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7 Tips and Techniques to Use Instagram Efficiently

Internet buffs use Instagram to share their photos and videos. Instagram offers an excellent opportunity to online businesses. However, most businesses are still to use it; consequently, they miss a huge opportunity. Instagram is a sure fire way to take your business to the next level.

Quick facts:

  • Instagram has more than 500 million monthly active users.
  • Mike Krieger is the CTO and co-founder of Instagram.
  • Instagram counted 77.6 million users in the US in 2015.
  • 6% of the US population used Instagram in 2015.
  • Adding a location to posts results in 79% higher engagement.

Here are a few tips and techniques to use Instagram:

  • Use hashtags – Use hashtags to get instant exposure. Hashtags will not only categorize your images, but also make them visible in Instagram searches, which will increase your brand’s visibility.
  • Complete your profile – Always create your profile in a professional manner.
  • Improve the quality of your images –High quality images are bound to attract viewers.
  • Focus on the entire post –focusing only on images is a big mistake. You must focus on your entire post to make it much more effective.
  • Use image processing tools or filters or editing tools – You can use Retrica, VSCOcam, Snapseed, Aviary, Squarer or such other tools if you want to make your images much more professional. Instagram has two organic apps also: “Hyperlapse” and “Layout”; so, use them.
  • Join relevant community – In order to grow seamlessly, you need to join communities of your interest. You can also build your own community to expand your network.
  • Connect all your social accounts – To take the maximum advantage, connect all your social accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Flickr). This will help you to share your photos across all platforms.

Quick tips:

  1. Hashtags are the best to promote your business on Instagram, so choose the right tags.
  2. Understand the rules and culture of Instagram before using it.
  3. Find people to follow.
  4. Like a photo or video on Instagram regularly.
  5. Instagram is an image-based social platform, so share quality images.
  6. Make sure that your images have an identifiable niche or style to improve your visibility.
  7. Now it is possible to manage multiple accounts on Instagram.

Instagram is a captivating social platform, you must use it to improve your customer base and improve your brand image.