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10 Quick Tips to Accelerate a Website’s Growth

Business owners use SEO to improve their website’s traffic as well as overall conversion rates. They use best tools and techniques to overpower their competitors; however, there are certain websites that fail to rank because they miss some key SEO factors.

Therefore, it is important to do your homework properly and keep an eye on current trends to gain success.

Here are a few quick tips for SEO professionals to accelerate their sites’ growth:

  1. Use Internal Links – Internal linking not only allows users to browse your website easily, but also gives prominence to certain underperforming web pages. It helps you to spread your link juice to other web pages of the website.
  2. Use best blog directories –Submit your blog to top blog directories in order to increase its overall reach. This will simply improve your site’s visibility.
  3. Improve your on-page content – Write high quality content with relevant examples and illustrations. Include both short and long-tail keywords in your content and update it regularly to attract users.
  4. Include videos on your site – Videos are one of the best ways to engage users. It is helpful in explaining tough concepts. It conveys information in an interactive way. (Video increases search engine rankings and traffic)
  5. Boost your site’s CTR – One of the finest ways to boost the CTR of your site is to optimise Meta titles and descriptions. Include keywords in your Meta titles and descriptions.
  6. Use SEO friendly URLs – This is the most overlooked aspect of SEO. Use keywords in URLs to get your website ranked.
  7. Use calls-to-action on every page – Calls-to-action are one of the best ways to encourage your users to take actions.
  8. Use powerful Content marketing automation tools – Use powerful and effective content marketing automation tools to improve the exposure of your content.
  9. Resolve 404 errors – 404 errors frustrate both visitors and search engines. So, resolve them immediately to improve your site’s performance.
  10. Use infographics –To attract the maximum number of users, create highly unique and informative infographics.  Include it in your internet marketing strategy for better results.

It’s an open secret that SEO is dynamic; however, these tips will help you to gain optimum advantage and improve your site’s conversion rates.

Quick SEO Tips:

  • Always pay close attention to the Google’s Quality Guidelines.
  • Avoid creating pages with little or no unique content.
  • Avoid using automatically generated content.
  • Avoid buying or selling links that pass PageRank to your site.