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8 Strategic SEO techniques to build your brand

A website cannot survive on its own. It needs strong backup of internet marketing strategies and comprehensive promotional plans (both online and off line such as blogging, social media, link building, etc.) to survive and thrive. If your website is unable to drive huge traffic despite having good rankings, you must review your SEO strategies and fine-tune it according to algorithmic updates.

Here are a few Strategic SEO techniques for your website:

  1. Use Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) – This is an accessible framework for developing fast-loading mobile web pages. In a nutshell, use it to improve the mobile experience of your users.
  2. Create evergreen content – Write content according to your business. Your content should solve critical issues of your customers and help them at every step. (Tip – Update your content regularly to help your customers.)
  3. Try to improve your site’s Click Through Rate – You can improve your site’s Click through Rate by optimizing your heading, content and offering special offers to your customers.
  4. Use videos – Customers like videos and visual presentations. Therefore, focus on creating high quality and informative videos to engage your audiences. (Tip – Don’t underestimate the power of video marketing.)
  5. Use Google+ – This helps businesses to achieve more traffic as well as leads. This is easy to use, helps in extending a network and inspires audiences. (Tip – You can share business images, charts, documents, presentations and other visual items.)
  6. Never ignore Guest Posts – Guest posts help to build your website’s reputation. They also help to gain more exposure on the web and in a specific niche.
  7. Use Schema – This is a code that you put on your website to help search engines to show more informative results to users.
  8. Be Active on Social Media – Social media platforms can give you a lot of exposure, so discover new platforms and learn about them. (Tip – Use LinkedIn because this is a professional network.)

Follow these SEO techniques and win the online race.

Quick facts:

  • Mobile devices account for 56% of traffic to top sites.
  • By speeding up the mobile user’s experience, you can improve your website’s efficiency.
  • Click-through rate (CTR) is the ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of total users who view a page, email, or advertisement.
  • Videos on a landing page can increase conversion by 80%.