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Easy Ways to Promote an Online Business

It’s no secret that there are online companies still struggling to achieve dominant positions on the web. The basic reasons are:

  • Various challenges,

  • Lack of insights,

  • Poor understanding of marketing concepts and strategies,

  • Underutilisation of online marketing resources, and

  • Lack of skills and resources.

Hence, online marketers should formulate a business-centric online marketing approach to achieve their goals.

Here are a few ways to promote an online business:

Use Google My Business

If you want to help your users to find you on the web easily, you need to use Google My Business. It is one of the best ways to attract and engage users.

Benefits of using Google My Business:

  • Google My Business listing is easy to create and edit.

  • It allows you to add text, photos, and design themes.

  • It provides you with complete business information.

  • Helps to build customer’s loyalty.


  • Keeps your NAP updated.

  • Provides complete information to your users.

Use Facebook Instant Articles (a mobile publishing format)

Facebook Instant Articles is an effective and powerful content distribution platform where you can share your content to educate your users.

Benefits of using Facebook Instant Articles:

  • Users can read them on Android and iPhone devices.

  • Ideal for branding.

  • Improves reader’s experience.

  • Improves your brand’s value.

  • Helps to track user’s engagement.

Use Email Marketing

Email marketing is the most essential element of online marketing. It not only improves communication channel, but also builds good relations with customers.

Benefits of using Email marketing:

  • Helps to introduce new products and services.

  • Establish your brand’s authority.

  • Helps to deliver educational value.

  • Assists to engage users.


  • Use high quality Email marketing automation tools.

  • Create user-friendly content.

  • Reward your readers.

  • Use Sensory and emotional words.

  • Keep your subject lines simple and specific.

  • Maintain a natural voice.

  • Create a clear call-to-action.


Believe it or not, paid search has the power to seduce customers. All you need to do is to embrace a creative and innovative approach to get the desired results.


  • Focus on granular keyword targeting.

  • Develop a list of keyword phrases related to your business/industry.

  • Segment your keywords into relevant groups.

  • Create a relevant ad copy.

  • Trace your customers’ journey.

  • Combine your PPC efforts with SEO.

  • Use high quality search marketing tools.

  • Follow the best PPC practices.

Use Social media

Social media may seem daunting; however, it has its own significance. In fact, it is a more practical form of communication enjoyed by global users.


  • Use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram to grow your audience.

  • Deliver content (text, images, videos, infographics) consistently.

  • Use Hashtags strategically.

  • Publish relevant content on LinkedIn.

So, the bottom line is, use the above mentioned techniques for continuous growth.