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Extraordinary Content Marketing Resources

Content marketing has become the de-facto strategy for major brands.  Global marketers use content marketing to win the game. However with the help of certain resources, they can improve their ROI.

Here are a few extraordinary content marketing resources:

PicMonkey (A popular and creative photo editing and graphic design tool)

This is a well known image editor tool for desktop and mobile.  Add filters, frames, text, and effects to images with this online photo editing tool.


  • Use PicMonkey to restore damaged photos.
  • Use “Touch Up” to add colour and life to your faded photos.
  • You can apply multiple effects to your images.

WordPress (A well known Content Management System)

WordPress is one of the easiest and fastest CMS platforms to set up your blog or a website. This platform offers free,  mobile-ready designs and themes to build a website or blog.

It offers technical support as well as free hosting.


  • Use WordPress to create a beautiful websites, blogs, or applications.
  • Use it to select your own theme, domain and plan, to build a website.
  • Choose themes according to your business.
  • Always select easy-to-use themes to update your content.
  • Embed audio, video, images and much more to make your website/blog attractive.
  • Always create a mobile-friendly site or blog to attract extensive traffic.


It goes without saying that you should use Grammarly to check the grammar and spelling of your content.


  • Use Grammarly to improve any text, detect plagiarism and remove grammatical errors.
  • Use it to improve your vocabulary and know grammar rules.
  • Use its free writing app to improve your writing style.

Buzzstream (This is an effective and productive web-based software)

 BuzzStream helps to promote products, services and content to build links. In other words, it is a link building and PR tool for marketers.


  • Use BuzzStream to improve search performance and increase awareness.
  • Use it to view the conversations of your team mates and manage tasks.
  • You can use it to track your emails and improve your content marketing efforts.


 Use Trello to keep your projects organised. This tool is flexible, reliable and easy to use. You can easily streamline your work and improve your productivity.


  • Use it to manage projects and personal tasks.
  • Use this amazing tool to create templates for cards, lists, and boards.
  • Choose Trello Enterprise or Business Class as per your requirements.

Cyfe (A powerful cloud based business intelligence application software)

 Cyfe is a powerful all-in-one business intelligence dashboard that offers various tools to manage your content marketing efforts.  Use it to manage Google Analytics, Twitter, email marketing software and much more.

This tool allows you to track/monitor your campaign data on your own dashboard.


  • Use it to monitor, analyse and report all your critical business data.
  • It offers social media widgets, multi-language support, custom themes and much more according to your business needs.

So, empower your business with the help of these powerful and effective content marketing tools.