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Follow SEO Trends for Better Marketing

Most online businesses fail to get the desired success because they don’t give due respect to SEO trends. As a result, they witness:

  • Low growth rate

  • Fast attrition

That is why, it is imperative for online businesses to keep abreast with the upcoming changes.

Here are a few upcoming SEO trends:

Keyword volume

This is a vital component of SEO. So, use effective keyword research tools like –

  • Ahrefs,

  • Google Keyword Planner,

  • KWFinder, to understand what your customers are searching for.

All these keyword research tools will help you to find the most suitable keywords having high search volumes. However, for more accuracy you need to consider the following:

  • Context,

  • Historical evidence,

  • Market segmentation of your demographic.

This will help you to discover, optimise and adjust your existing online marketing strategies.

Here, discover, optimise and adjust can be broken down into the following:


  • Targeted audience,

  • Their expectations,

  • Their concerns/problems

  • Their habits/buying behaviour

  • How can you solve their problems?


  • Optimise content

  • Gather relevant information

  • Write quality content to increase site’s visibility

  • Improve customer’s experience


  • Align marketing strategies according to the data

  • Going beyond traditional goal measurement techniques

  • Use advanced analytics

Voice Search

According to Wikipedia, Google Voice Search or Search by Voice is a Google’s product that allows users to use Google Search by speaking on a mobile phone or computer, i.e. have the device search for data upon entering information on what to search into the device by speaking.

In layman’s terms, you don’t have to type a query or keyword or key phrase.

What you need to do?

  • Keep your business information up-to-date for local search capabilities.

  • Improve your FAQ pages by including common questions.

  • Use long-tail keywords.

  • Adding Schema and microdata.

Local SEO will rule the roost

You simply can’t afford to ignore local SEO. So, opt for local SEO, if you want to attract traffic and improve sales.

So, without making any further delay, change your current SEO strategy and include local SEO elements to it, such as:

  • Setting up and claiming your Google My Business account.

  • Optimise landing pages with local as well as long-tail keywords.

  • Make sure your name, address, phone number, and other contact information are correct and updated.

  • Write content according to local users.

  • Focus on powerful link building techniques.

  • Leverage testimonials, reviews and ratings.

Cross-channel Marketing Tactics

If you want to grow your online presence, you need to utilise cross-channel marketing tactics. For that, you need to focus on multiple invaluable channels, such as:

  • Email

  • Social Media

  • Paid Search (PPC, etc.)

  • Mobile Application Integration

  • Content Marketing (Webinars, Blog Posts, Case studies, Whitepapers, etc.)

So, embrace these trends to increase your online footprint.