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How to improve customer’s experience?

Successful online stores not only focus on offering authentic products, but also on improving their customers’ experiences. Satisfied customers mean better revenues. Therefore, it is important for online stores to improve customers’ experience.

So, if you have an online store and want to attract the attention of your customers, just make their shopping experience pleasant.

Make sure your site loads fast

Faster websites improve the overall shopping experience of customers and allow them to quickly complete their purchase.

Optimise your website for better speed.


  • 47% of people expect a web page to load in two seconds or less.
  • Better speed means better performance of a website.


  • Use less number of plugins.
  • Minimise HTTP requests.
  • Analyse and optimise your website with PageSpeed tools.


Single second delay in page load time yields:

  • 11% fewer page views
  • 16% decrease in customer satisfaction
  • 7% loss in conversions (source: Aberdeen Group)

Optimise navigation

Good navigation improves usability of a website. So, make sure your website has a clear navigation path for both users and search engines. For that, you need to choose the best platform that offers clean and clear navigation structure.


  • Implement auto-scroll feature.
  • Navigational text should always be unique.
  • Try to limit unnecessary paths to save the time of users.
  • Plan your navigation along with the website information architecture.

Use high quality product images

For the maximum conversion rates, use high quality product images. Beautiful product images help users to identify a product and allow them to make quick decisions.


  • Add multiple images of your products.
  • Implement zoom-in and zoom-out feature on your site.

Products descriptions

Write fresh and succinct product descriptions for better results. Some site owners use the manufacturer’s descriptions, which is against SEO rules and can attract penalty from search engines. Therefore, use unique product titles, descriptions and specifications.

Customer reviews

If you want to improve your customer’s experience use customer reviews across the website. Customer reviews can do wonders.


  • Always add customer’s testimonials or rated reviews to your website.
  • Customer reviews also help to improve rankings, sales and CTR.
  • For better results simplify the review posting process.


According to certain studies, consumer reviews are more trusted than manufacturers’ descriptions.

Keep your stock updated

Nothing frustrates more than an “out of stock” message! So, always keep your stock updated. If possible use the most efficient platform, which can help you to update your stock.


  • Keep track on stock’s availability and delivery.
  • Maintain your supply chain for higher conversions.

Provide an FAQ page

FAQ page clarifies doubts of users. You should put every possible detail and easy-to-follow solutions on your FAQ page to help users.

For better revenues and customer’s experience, most online stores offer free shipping, which is also a good technique to improve sales. This makes the whole process transparent.

So, improve the customers’ experience to improve your revenues and strengthen relationships with them.