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How to Make a Website Architecturally Strong?

Want to make your website search engine and user friendly, make it structurally strong. A technically strong website with clear architectural structure performs well on the web and even gets rewarded by the search engines. All you need to do is to focus on its technical, aesthetic and functional aspects for added advantages.

Here are a few ways to make a website architecturally strong:

  • Always use robots.txt – You must use robots.txt to guide the robots (Googlebot) so that they can efficiently index your website. You can restrict certain web pages of your website by using various commands, such as Allow and Disallow, which tell web crawlers which URLs they can access and which they cannot.
  • Create consistent URL structure – In order to make your website architecturally strong, you need to create simple, easy to understand and product based URLs. This will also help your website to achieve visibility on the web.
  • Create a sitemap – A sitemap is a list of web pages that are accessible to crawlers or users. A sitemap is used for explaining the organizational structure of your website to Googlebots. One more thing, always keep them updated.
  • Use breadcrumbs – You must use breadcrumbs not only to make your website structurally versatile, but also to ease the navigation of your users. Breadcrumbs act as a secondary navigation system and help users to navigate your website easily.
  • Optimize for mobile devices – It is important to optimize your website for mobile devices to influence your mobile friendly customers.
  • Check 404 Errors and Redirects – It is essential to focus on these errors and if you find any, fix them immediately.
  • Use hreflang – If your website serves globally, you must use It serves the correct language or regional URL in search results.
  • Check the indexing status of your website – This will help you to identify the total number of duplicate pages as well as those pages that are excluded by search engines.
  • Reduce the impact of outbound links – If too many outbound links are present on your website, use “no follow” tag to keep the prominence.
  • Remove toxic backlinks – You must identify and remove bad/spammy links in order to make your website credible. Always try to obtain backlinks from reputable sites in your niche for better significance.

All these elements can easily strengthen the architecture of your website and make it strong. So, improve the overall potential of your website.