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Innovative Ways to Boost Your Website’s Traffic

  • Are you looking for innovative ways to boost your website’s traffic?

  • Do you want to accelerate your digital marketing efforts?

Here are a few powerful websites to boost your website’s traffic:


  • 54% of small businesses currently have a website.

  • 72% of mobile users consider it important for a website to be mobile-friendly.
  • According to Forrester, 93% of online experiences start with a search.

Reddit (Reddit is a social news platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content.)

This is the most innovative and flexible platform that assists businesses to share content including stories, links and images.

Use this effective and user-friendly platform to improve your business’s visibility.


  • 71% of Reddit news users are male.

  • 59% of them are 18-29 of age.

  • 47% of Reddit users remain online almost all the time.

Benefits of using Reddit:

  • Build community

  • Continuous Interaction

  • Brand building

  • Discuss and curate the best content on the web

  • Drive traffic to websites

Tips of using Reddit:

  • Don’t submit promotional links.

  • Never ask for upvotes.

  • Never share anyone’s private information.

  • Be creative and consistent.

  • Focus on improving knowledge of users.

  • Create an authentic profile.

  • Share great quality content.

  • Set up a content calendar and develop a strong network.


Stumbleupon is one of the most powerful content discovery engines. It is designed to improve business’s visibility and overall traffic volume and is an ideal place to share websites, blog posts, videos and infographics for the maximum exposure.

According to Alexa, StumbleUpon is one of the top 149 websites in the world.

Benefits of using StumbleUpon:

  • Increased brand exposure

  • Higher page rank
  • Analysis of traffic

  • Affordable marketing

  • Increased brand loyalty


  • Stumbleupon drives over 50 percent of social media traffic in the US.

  • 2.2 million Web pages are added to Stumbleupon every month.


  • Add a StumbleUpon badge to your website content.(

  • Use (StumbleUpon has its own URL shortening system –

  • Share your content regularly.

  • Fill your basic profile information.

  • Use StumbleUpon toolbar for fast and efficient working.

  • Use StumbleUpon’s paid discovery.

  • Never violate any content guidelines.

  • Use for better results.

Product Hunt

This is a product curation platform. It allows people to share and explore products on the web. This platform helps businesses to promote their products in the most affordable manner. It has a large community of members who use it to share and find new products.


  • Write fresh product titles and descriptions.

  • Spread your product’s news.

  • Use it to get invaluable feedback from customers.


If you want to educate your customers, use WikiHow. Of course, you cannot directly promote your websites, products and services here, but this platform helps you to drive traffic. “wikiHow is an open source”.

“Comscore ranks wikiHow in the top 150 most visited publishers in the world”.


  • Never promote your products and services.

  • Invest time in writing high-quality and educational articles.


Delicious is the world’s leading social bookmarking website. It allows people to share and explore websites, blog posts, and much more. It is an effective way to organise links and improve a brand’s visibility.


  • Bookmark your social networking profiles.

  • Share content, images and infographics regularly.

  • Share your bookmarks with others.

  • Add new members to your network to grow your business.

  • Use its add-ons and tools to boost your website’s traffic.

  • Create a compelling business profile.

  • The best way to add a bookmark to your Delicious account is to install the Delicious Toolbar.

So, whether you are new to internet marketing or not, use these incredible tools to boost your site’s traffic and visibility.