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Investing in Social Media Marketing

Social media is all over the place. It has successfully captured the interest of all businesses across the world. However, as a small business owner, you should ask yourself a question, whether you have the right plans, tools, resources, time and money to invest in it before starting a social media campaign.

There are numerous social media sites out there and new ones are emerging every week. However there are some major players that are quite impressive to start with.


Originally designed as a communication platform for college students; this platform has captured the global interest with its extensive services and capabilities. This social media platform allows both individuals as well as businesses to create their profiles and communicate with people.

It allows users to upload photos, quotes, videos, infographics and other updates.


This is one of the most powerful microblogging platforms designed to help users to post their messages and grow their network. With its own limitations of 140 characters but still it has immense power to influence people.

Today, worldwide business owners use it to spread awareness, announce the launch of their products and services, etc.


YouTube has become the 3rd most popular website in the world. You can use it to share videos. Many businesses use it wisely to create buzz in the community and highlight their unique offerings. You can engage visitors with the comment section.


StumbleUpon is one of the best social bookmarking websites. It is helpful in improving your brand’s identity. You can use it to promote your website, blog post, video or infographic. All you need to do is to set up your site’s profile, specify your interests, follow people of similar interest and start sharing your content.


LinkedIn is specifically designed for professionals as a networking tool. However, as a small business owner, you can use it to create awesome business profiles and extend your network.

This platform has over 35 million registered users and has become a great tool for companies to harness business opportunities.


Delicious is a prominent social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing and discovering web bookmarks. As a business owner, you should use it to drive traffic to your websites or blogs and increase your site’s visibility.

So, use these proven social media marketing tools to gain return on investment.