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Mobile web and how it has a huge influence

Mobile web is huge! There is no doubt that its growth and the continued use of social media has made it even easier for users to access the internet and find the information, products and services they want, within seconds, wherever they are.

As a result your website needs to be fully mobile compatible to meet this new and constant demand.

Half of all people in the U.S. own a smartphone and at the last count over one third of internet users owned a tablet. And mobile phones users and tablet owners are also getting younger and younger! Because people are routinely accessing the Internet via their mobile devices our websites need to be mobile friendly and they need to be labeled and listed properly so that people can find us. Now more than eve Google Maps, Google local search, Google plus and all other social media platforms are more important than they have been before.

At the very minimum you need a website that is mobile optimized so that when you pick up mobile web visitors you don’t lose them and they can actually read your website.

Mobile web isn’t just about making sales at any moment via a mobile phone it’s about accessibility to your site, to your business for anyone who wants to find you.

If you haven’t optimized your website for mobile it is something you should seriously consider. Speak to a good web development team who understand what is needed to make a site mobile optimized. They will help you ensure you don’t lose sales and that you can still be found.

If your website is suffering from a low visit count and you feel as though you are being hidden away in a corner of the internet, maybe it is time to consider having your site optimized so you can be seen and found by the right people, whether they are using a pc laptop or a mobile.