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Do we need printed material anymore?

Yes! When it comes to marketing, for your local customers and people who meet you in person, there is still a need for printed material to use for marketing purposes. While you may not need as much as was once needed in the days before the internet, there is still a need for some professionally printed material to hand out.

Business cards are still used today. Many of them have information that can be easily scanned on to a mobile phone so that contact details are stored quickly and easily. It is also worth adding your url for a website or blog and any social media. You never know when you might be out and about and need to give someone a card with your contact details. It’s important to have that information to hand out when it is needed. Business cards are not expensive and they are also handy to leave at events for folks to pick up.

All your print material, whether a card, leaflet, poster or flyer, should all have your website address, email address, and social media on it. This makes sure that whoever picks up the material to read it will be able to find you online. And this is why print material is still worth having.

Printed material goes out of date very quickly. It is much easier to update your website and social media pages. If you have print material, directing people to your online information allows you to connect with them and direct them to the most up to date information about you and your business.

You can use a combination of traditional print material and technology to ensure that you don’t miss a single opportunity to engage with a potential customer of make a sale. Business is too competitive and competition too fierce these days to pass up any opportunity to connect with the right people at the right time. And this means being ready to do this one and offline.

Make sure all your print material is branded and matches your website, blog and social media in terms of livery and content design. Using the same logo, font and colours will create a family of communications on and offline that will be very powerful and strengthen your brand identity in the minds of your contacts and customers.