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Optimise email marketing campaigns for better results

It goes without saying that email marketers need to improve their email marketing campaigns to become successful. An appropriate email campaign can help them to attract the maximum number of customers.

However, there are certain marketers who fail to develop result oriented email marketing campaigns and lose the opportunity to retain customers for long.

If you want to increase the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign:

  • Build better relationships
  • Maximise conversion rates
  • Increase revenues
  • Drive more responses

Follow the below mentioned strategies.


This is the most important aspect of any email marketing campaign. It is always good to segment the list before starting your campaign. You need to segment it according to the age and preference group for the maximum effectiveness.


Segmentation of email lists improves click-through rates as well as efficiency of marketers.

Mobile friendly mails

According to a study, people love to open mobile friendly emails. Hence, create mobile friendly emails.


  • Choose an email marketing service provider who provides email design for different devices.
  • Use responsive designs to create your email formats.

Prefer text-only emails

According to a study, people prefer to open and read text-only emails. So, use text-only emails for better output and click-through rate. Also write short descriptions and paragraphs with appropriate links to convey your messages.


  • Use links in your emails.
  • Use real names of your marketing teams.
  • Always personalise your emails for better conversions.


  • 64% of subscribers open an email from a recognised sender.
  • Emails with personalised subject lines are 26 % more likely to be opened.

Make your subject line impressive

In order to win the email marketing race, you need to craft apt subject lines. Try to create compelling subject lines that can convey your messages instantly.


  • Always create short, specific and relevant subject lines.
  • Include special offers, discount rates or any other compelling elements.


  • 74% of online customers are frustrated when they receive content that has nothing to do with their interests.

Use clear call-to-actions

One of the biggest mistakes in email marketing is not using call-to-action. So, use relevant and clear call-to-actions wherever possible to improve the chances of success.


  • Use a bold and colourful button as a call-to-action in your emails.
  • Buttons improves click-through rate.

Be precise

Nobody likes to scroll lengthy emails; hence, create short and to-the-point messages to improve their readability.


  • If possible insert a video in your emails.
  • Use social media links.

Schedule your emails

Never forget to consider different time zone before sending your emails.

Optimise email’s content

You should optimise every element of your email for optimum result.

You should optimise:

  • Subject lines
  • Featured content
  • Call-to-actions


  • Regularly test and optimise Subject lines, content, and call-to-actions.
  • Keep track of your emails to study conversion rates.
  • Always focus on subscribers engaged with your campaigns.
  • Regularly update email list.

Unquestionably, email marketing is one of the most effective ways to engage customers, so use it wisely for better results.