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Practical SEO Tips to Boost Organic Search

Today, it is important to recognise the importance of search engine optimisation techniques because it provides innovative solutions to business owners to deliver measurable business outcomes.

If you have a website and want to achieve traffic and rankings, embrace unconventional search engine optimisation techniques.

Here are a few feasible tips and techniques to boost organic traffic:

Rich Snippets (it describes structured data markup)

Rich Snippets is not a new term for optimisers; however, it is still underused. Use Rich Snippets because it helps search engines as well as users to get the relevant information.

According to a study rich snippets has made search engines yield relevant results.

Rich Snippets can be used for the following content types:

• Reviews
• People
• Products
• Businesses and organisations
• Events
• Video content

Focus on web pages

Always check your Google webmaster tool to identify underperforming web pages.

Try to make those pages visible by:

• Adding fresh content or videos
• Adding crisp images
• Providing more useful content
• Adding proper call-to-actions
• Removing its coding errors
• Internal linking
• Adding links
• Adding its URL to sitemap
• Optimising its content with the most appropriate keywords
• Use Ahrefs or Majestic to measure its performance

Competitor link analysis
While optimising your website, never overlook the power of Competitor link analysis. For that use link analysis tool like Ahrefs, Majestic or Open Site Explorer. These tools will help you to find bcaklinks of your competitors.

Transcribe your video content

Today, every marketer is busy in creating videos; however, nobody is thinking of their promotion.
That is why, you should always create transcript of your video. This helps search engines as well as users to understand your concepts. Use SpeechPad for better results.

Update your content

Sometimes stale content becomes the biggest cause of failure for websites. In other words, update content at a regular interval. Add facts, figures and statistics to make your content fresh and relevant.

Start co-marketing

Co-marketing is a great way to market your website. For that, collaborate with other companies to promote your blog, e-books, webinars, case studies, events, etc.

Check and add more keywords

To make a website successful, regular check-up and updates are essential. In fact, revise your keywords according to your industry for the maximum possible exposure. Regularly comb through Google webmaster console and keyword discovery tools for high search volume keywords.

Add various types of content

Your website should contain images, videos, infographics, white papers, press releases, blogs, etc.

All these elements will surely improve organic traffic as well as conversion rate.

Last, but not the least, optimise your website for users, not for search engines. No doubt, all the above mentioned SEO techniques will help you to achieve your goals.