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Reliable and Effective Strategies to Make Your Website Profitable

  • Are you looking for ways to improve your site’s visibility?
  • Do you want to measure the impact of your online marketing efforts?
  • Want to learn how to transform your online website to make it profitable?
  • Do you want to accelerate your online marketing practices for better results?
  • Do you want to make your website a perfect lead generating machine?

If yes, read this article to learn how you can make your website potent, relevant, credible, and smart so that it can attract the maximum number of users and meet your expectations.

Make your website fast and efficient

If you want to improve the experience of your customers, you need to make your website faster. For that, you need to optimise and compress large images and resolve its technical issues. An error-free website not only loads faster, but also helps users to browse it more conveniently.


  • According to an online survey, improving site’s speed can reduce abandonment rates by 41%.
  • According to Google, about 30% increase in page load speed results in an equal increase in business.


  • Analyse your site’s architecture and navigation path as well as dead URLs and fix them immediately.
  • Study Google analytics to identify your low performing web pages.

Use proven SEO tactics

When it comes to making a website search engines friendly and productive, nothing can challenge the power of SEO. You must use SEO tactics according to your industry and business requirements. Choose the most appropriate keywords to target audiences.

For a flawless execution of site, you must keep an eye on the serious issues of your site and resolve them quickly. You must access both Google analytics and Webmaster Tool to check the status of your website.


  • 79% of search engine users say they always/frequently click on the natural search results.


  • Create a strong internal linking structure.
  • Create sitemaps and robots.txt.
  • Use Google AdWords: Keyword Planner.
  • Make sure your keywords appear in content, product names, and page names.

Focus on product placement and optimisation

According to a survey, most business owners underestimate the role of product placement and their descriptions, which is a big mistake. Hence, you must place your product and its descriptions at an appropriate location for the maximum conversion.

If possible you should provide comprehensive details on products pages, such as:

  • Product description (with specifications and pricing details)
  • Product features (with advantages)
  • Offers and discounts (with coupon codes)
  • Practical tips (with examples)
  • Usage guidelines (e-guides or tutorials)
  • Shipping details (location specific)
  • Transaction Security features (with payment options)
  • Terms and conditions

All these elements work significantly and improve the shopping experience of your customers.

Display your complete address

One of the most overlooked aspects of optimisation is the absence of contact details from web pages. Websites having contact details easily build trust and credibility than those without it


  • Display your awards and recognitions.
  • Display security certificates.
  • Display complete address with phone number and email ids.
  • Offer personalised customer service experiences, both online and off line.


The above mentioned strategies will improve your online sales and make your site the finest destination to buy products.