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SEO tactics you could use every day

Here are a few SEO tactics we recommend you use on a regular basis to help maintain your position on the search engines. While many companies choose to use the professional services of an SEO team like Indazo, there are also some key SEO tactics which can be implemented in-house that will have a positive effect on your rankings.

Work with the best – If you have not uses these tactics before, or are a beginner, we recommend you get professional advice to help you. Hiring a team need not be expensive.

For example, we offer a range of packages that can be tailored to suit a client’s budget. The advantages of working with a reputable SEO team are that you are tapping into a wealth of knowledge and experience. The chances are, they will have worked with a business from a similar industry and therefore know exactly what tactics to recommend for your business. The best companies will only use white hat techniques to boost your rankings and they will be able to develop an SEO plan that is catered specifically to your business needs.

Keywords – Keep an eye on keywords being used on search engines like Google. It’s important that your keywords remain up to date. Many businesses make the mistake of using the same set of keywords for a long period of time. In fact we have had clients that have never changed them. In order to continue getting the best results, being aware of trends and changes in language use will help you choose the most effective keywords.

Quality content – We have said it before, but it really cannot be said enough – quality content wins every time. Working hard to ensure high quality for all the content you post on your website, blog, and social media, is the way to build your reputation, attract new followers and engage with your customers. It is a proven method that works. Check out some of the articles here on our blog for hints and tips on improving your content.

Spread your message widely – This means that you should try to use as many different platforms to get your message across. For the majority of businesses, this will involve a website, and a variety of social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter and possibly Pinterest. A huge number of companies also have YouTube channels and have a presence on Instagram, Tumblr, Vine, and other leading social media sites. Have a look at them all and choose the sites which give you access to a large percentage of your business’s target demographic.

Look on line – They say that copying is a sincere form of flattery. We’re not suggesting you plagiarise anyone’s content, however, we do think there is huge value in looking at what the competition is doing and identifying great ideas and methods for promoting and marketing your business online. Spend some time looking at other company websites and check out what the competition is doing too. It may give you some great ideas.

We have always believes that SEO is a team sport! While you may need to hire a professional company to help you, there is no doubt that taking an interest in your own company’s content offering and taking part in an SEO strategy with a hands on approach will improve your results and reduce your costs.