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Social Media Marketing Strategy for Online Stores

Generally, online stores struggle to achieve high volume traffic and rankings. The prime reason is online store owners unable to understand the risks and challenges involved in online marketing. However, with the help of social media marketing, it is possible to gain an edge.

Well-defined social media marketing helps websites to achieve their core objectives.


  • Number of social media users has risen by 176 million in the last year.
  • 1 million new active mobile social media users are added every day.

Some successful online store managers try everything to engage the maximum number of users. They often focus on the current topics as well as challenges that users face. They organise discussion session, which encourage people to come and discuss their issues. This is finest technique to connect with audiences, resolve their problems and build long-term relationship with them.

For better output, you should host a contest on social sites for your users. This is the time-tested tactic to attract new customers and satisfy old one.


  • Always give a brand-specific prize to winners.
  • Regularly organise a social media contest for better brand visibility.
  • Social media contests are a great way to get user generated content (reviews, testimonials).


  • Social media contests are great for boosting engagement.
  • Social media contests improve brand awareness and grow audiences.

Another technique is to allow an influential authority of your industry to handle your account for a day or two. This is an excellent way to accelerate your brand’s reach.

It is a good way to become popular in your niche and engage more users.

Today, social media is flooded with videos and images; so create short videos of your brand or product and share them across all social sites. Short videos attract more users and improve brand’s awareness as well. According to a survey, 60% of marketers currently use videos and 73% plan to increase their use of videos. (Tip – Use Instagram, Snapchat and Vine to share your videos.)


  • The use of social media videos has been on the rise over the past five years.
  • 20 million videos are uploaded to Facebook each month.
  • 65% people are visual learners.

Most marketers empower their users through webinars and e-books. This not only improves their brand’s value, but also encourages people to connect with them. (Tip – Use Wistia and Zendesk to create webinars and e-books.)

Of course, the sure shot technique is to be active on social sites and promote your content.