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Understand Various Elements of Online Marketing

It is a misconception that online marketing is easy; however, the fact is, it quite challenging and dynamic. So, If you are a business owner and want to use online marketing to improve the overall conversion rate as well as revenues, you need to judiciously and strategically use online marketing techniques.

Here are a few online marketing elements to consider:

Invest in SEO

According to a study, companies invested over $65 billion in SEO in 2016. Another study found that the number of small businesses that are ready to invest in search engine optimisation will grow by 74% this year. Source – Octos.

Here are a few reasons to invest in SEO:

  • One study found that the number one position in Google gets 33% of search traffic.

  • SEO helps to improve the experience of users.

  • SEO delivers ROI and establishes leadership position in the niche.

  • According to a report, SEO is 85% more likely to bring traffic than pay-per-click.

  • SEO helps to achieve business goals.

Essential tips –

  • Always start your campaign with keyword research.

  • Check the search volume and competition of keywords before finalising them.

  • Write clear meta title and descriptions.

  • Use Call-to-Actions in meta descriptions.

  • Focus on the abandonment rate of the website.

  • Use SEO-friendly URLs. (

Reduce bounce rate

If you are struggling to improve traffic of your site, you need to check and reduce its bounce rate. In other words, you need to make your website readable, scanable and easy to navigate. Reducing your bounce rate helps to boost your conversion rate – Neil Patel.

Here are a few ways to reduce bounce rate:

  • Use headings and sub-headings to improve readability of your content.

  • Never distract your users. (

  • Take advantage of email list.

  • Use CTA (A study by SmallBizTrends found that 70% of small business B2B websites lack any call-to-action.)

Resolve SEO problems

There are elements in SEO that are often neglected, which prevents a website to gain top rankings.

Here are a few tips to fix SEO problems:

  • Never use industrial product descriptions.

  • Write long and explanatory descriptions to attract users.

  • Include user’s reviews.

  • Create a blog and address users’ problems.

  • Use SEMrush to find the keyword difficulty.

  • Stay away from thin and duplicate content. (

Utilise social media

If you are not using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, YouTube and Tumblr, use them now. These are some of the most powerful social media platforms.

So, use the above mentioned techniques to capture the market.