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What is User-generated Content and how can it help Businesses?

User generated content (UGC) is defined as “any form of content such as blogs, wikis, discussion forums, posts, chats, tweets, podcasts, digital images, videos, audio files, advertisements and other forms of media that was created by users of an online system or service, often made available via social media websites”.

Today, user generated content is in vogue. More and more companies are using it to outpace their competitors. This works in an amazing manner and helps businesses to establish their brand image in a professional manner. When content is created and shared by users featuring products or services, it can influence consumers more easily than any sort of advertising efforts. This also looks natural and engages the maximum number of consumers.

The definition given above suggests that any type of content (videos or images) that has been created by consumers and shared on the social media sites is known as user generated content. User generated content is gaining more and more prominence amongst consumers because they find it authentic and trustworthy. Consumers love original and authentic content and hence, they believe in user generated content. In fact, it has been noticed that consumers trust user generated content more than a company’s website.

According to several online marketing surveys and studies, user generated content accelerates conversion rates in an unprecedented manner.

Here are a few benefits of using user generated content:

  • UGC influences consumers – Companies should use user generated content rather than spending a lot on advertisements because consumers trust other consumers. Real life videos and photos displaying how people are regularly using your products in their daily lives and getting benefited are much more influential than any other content. This adds extra value to your brand and makes it more popular amongst consumers. Online shoppers love to see evidence and original value of your products. So, it is clear that UGC can offer tangible benefits to business owners.

  • UGC increases conversion rates – If you display UGC on your product page, it will influence your buyers’ behaviour and increase your conversion rate. You can use real stories and consumers’ reviews to attract more customers. Consumers will appreciate your initiative and show positive responses.

  • UGC increases authenticity – Your real life videos and photos will look far more authentic than your full page content or product description. If your videos feature people using your products and sharing their experiences, it will attract more and more consumers to your website. No doubt, such videos can do wonders and give you an edge over your competitors. Today, most companies are using such informal style of UGC videos to reach their customers’ hearts.

No doubt, UGC can make your web page much more authentic, relevant, attractive, readable and valuable. This can easily build your brand image and improve your consumers’ overall shopping experience.