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Snooker Gym Case Study

The Situation

Nic Barrow, the founder of The Snooker Gym, has been a professional snooker coach for a number of years. He is the International Billiards & Snooker Federation Head Coach and his website has been around for many years. Apart from offering his professional coaching services, he also sells many products online at his website. We actually approached Nic directly informing him of what services we could provide. Surprisingly, this was the first occasion he had come across a company doing this type of work and he had never had any work carried out on website.

Our Approach and Methodology

As part of our strategy, we undertook both the SEO and PPC activities for The Snooker Gym.

On the PPC side, we built a brand new campaign from scratch. The founder, Nic Barrow, was very keen for us to specifically target Snooker Coaching as this was the key selling point for his website. We built a number of campaigns around these keywords, using broad, phrase and exact keyword matches across all campaigns. We made full use of the Google AdWords Extensions from Telephone, Sitelinks and Location Extensions. Nic’s campaign was centred around his geographical location so that we only targeted those businesses around a certain radius. Finally Conversion Tracking was enabled across multiple pages so that we could understand how Conversions were occurring and across what platforms.

Benefits Delivered

This PPC campaign is a fairly new campaign but has already been a very strong success campaign and Nic was keen to share his success with our customers. Snooker Coaching is a pretty niche area, however we are very proud of the strong results we have already achieved for Nic.

• Traffic increased from just 199 a month to 2,866 per month (in under 2 months).

• An increase in sales of over 400% to date.

Decrease of bounce rate from 59.7% to 46.2%

• Conversions increased from nothing to an average of 2 per day (61 per month!!)

Click Through Rate of over 1.7% and Conversion Rate of 3.9%

Client Feedback

I’m getting shed loads of enquiries, it’s amazing! On average 10 a day! I’ve certainly had a few sales and I’m thinking I will definitely convert more in the next few days… We will be looking to expand soon at this rate!
– Nic Barrow