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Common UX Mistakes to Avoid

According to Wikipedia, user experience design (UX, UXD, UED or XD) is the process of enhancing user satisfaction with a product by improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction with the product. User experience design includes elements of interaction design, information architecture, user research, and other disciplines, and is concerned with all facets of the overall experience delivered to users.

UX design plays an essential role in web designing.

Here are a few mistakes to avoid:

Focusing on Background Image Instead of Content

Focusing on background image is a popular trend these days. Some marketers use attractive background image that overshadows the content as it captures the immediate attention of people, as a result, visitors do not read the content.


  • Never use too attractive background image.

  • Clearly state your title and description.

  • Highlight specific content.

  • Use powerful CTAs.

  • Strike the right balance between content and visual elements.

Too many form fields

Too many fields in a form not only repel users, but also waste their precious time. Hence, limit the form fields.


  • Too many fields can kill your site’s conversion rate, hence eliminate unnecessary fields.

Information overload

According to study, 55% website visitors spend less than 15 seconds on a web page. So, you must keep your text precise and use effective data presentation techniques.


  • Use images along with the text. (According to a research, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster than text.)

  • Stay away from jargons.

  • Use bullet points.

  • Never write dense paragraphs.

  • Use video clippings and infographics.

Placing too many elements on a single page

Another common mistake people make is integrating too many elements (image, videos, text, sliders, forms, reviews, etc.) into a single page.

Hence, for better results, provide some breathing space, never write too much and strike the right balance.


Slow page load speed

If a web page takes more time to load, it may lead to an increase in bounce rate. (According to a study, 47% of people expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less.)

According to a study, one second delay in page load time equals 11% less page views, 16% decrease in customer satisfaction, and 7% less conversions. So, always focus on improving the page speed of your website.


  • Optimize your images and reduce redirects

  • Do not use too many plugins

  • Enable compression (set up your server to enable compression)

  • Try to reduces the bandwidth of your pages

  • Evaluate your site’s speed at regular intervals

  • Use innovative techniques to improve the speed and performance of your site

  • Streamline the number of elements on your web page.

  • Use PageSpeed Insights Chrome Extension.

  • Crop your images to the correct size.

  • Minimize HTTP Requests

Improving UX is a continuous process and cannot be achieved in one single stroke. Hence, try to avoid the above mentioned mistakes to gradually improve the performance of your website.