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Never underestimate the power of A/B testing

A/B testing ensures that a site receive good amount of traffic as well as conversion. It often includes certain changes of your website’s properties to gain high conversions.

Concept of A/B testing

A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage to determine which one performs better.


  • Approximately 61 percent of companies carry out less than five tests every month.
  • About 75 % of businesses have problem finding suitable expertise for optimizing their landing page copy.
  • Long landing pages can generate up to 220% more leads than above the fold call-to-action.
  • Using correct targeting and testing methods can increase conversion rates up to 300 percent.

A/B testing is used by marketers, advertisers and SEO analysts to improve their websites’ performance. However, such type of testing requires domain level expertise as well as technical one.

Unfortunately, most marketers still assume that A/B testing is a onetime process which is a mistake. Instead, it should be performed periodically.  A/B testing helps websites’ owners to understand the changing behaviour of audiences; their likes, dislikes and priorities. In fact, periodical testing improves the overall performance of a site.


ComScore A/B tested logos and testimonials to increase social proof on a product landing page and increased leads generated by 69%.


  • Performing A/B testing means understanding variations to adjust a website accordingly.
  • A/B testing allows marketers to make careful changes to their sites to improve users’ experiences.

The overall process of A/B testing is lengthy and requires patience. Marketers need to understand the basic elements of testing, weak points of their websites as well as ultimate aim of their business, which will help them to carry out the comprehensive testing process.

Process of A/B testing involves:

  • Data collection
  • Identification of goals
  • Hypothesis generation
  • Run experiment
  • Analyze results

A/B testing produces remarkable results. Some marketers use it to test their site’s social sharing buttons, while others use it to improve their home page or product promotion.


  • If you run a split test with multiple URLs, you should use the rel=”canonical” attribute to point variations back to the original version of the page.
  • If you run a test that redirects the original URL to a different URL, prefer to use a 302 (temporary) redirect.

According to some online studies, with the help of A/B testing, marketers have significantly improved:

  • Revenues from digital channels
  • Total number of visitors
  • Relationship with customers.

There are various A/B testing tools that ensure high conversion rates. You should use them according to your requirements. These tools help you to measure site’s performance, visitor engagement, and turnover.

Some of the popular A/B testing Tools:

  • Unbounce
  • VWO
  • Maxymiser
  • AB Tasty

In addition, marketers use A/B testing to identify and understand the best marketing practices, opportunities, challenges as well as bottlenecks that hamper their sites’ performance. This shows that A/B testing is helpful in addressing gaps.


  • A/B testing is the most used testing method for improving conversion rates.
  • Only 44 % of companies use split-testing while trying to optimize conversion rates.

So, adopt A/B testing regularly to test, optimize and improve your website for better results.