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Factors one should Know for Better Search Engine Optimisation

According to a study, SEO is one of the most important techniques to thrive in the online world. Of course, there are many online marketing techniques, but when it comes to SEO; nothing can beat its effectiveness. Here are a few factors you should know for better search engine optimisation:


Content is the key to success in online arena. If you want to gain success, you should write high quality blog posts, product descriptions, case studies, white papers, website content, etc. On top of that, these elements should include keywords (both long-tail and short-tail). However, it is essential to write for readers and not for search engines. Remember, the power of content and its ability to attract audiences.


  • Write and publish useful and insightful content.

  • Always refer to credible online sources for ideas.

  • Create and follow an Editorial Calendar.

  • Focus on writing a great and helpful headline.

  • Optimise your content for optimum visibility.

Multimedia elements

Today, multimedia elements are ruling the roost. Hence, it comes as no surprise that global business owners are using them extensively for better yields. They depict information as they are interactive and can engage both Google and users.


  • Create high quality graphics and videos.

  • Always be careful that the quality of multimedia reflects your brand.

  • Always create a compelling storyline around your product or service.

  • Publish your multimedia content on authentic websites.

Website Speed

According to a research, nearly, 40% of users abandon a page that takes more than three second to load. Hence, it is more than important to improve the page load speed to attract and retain customers. Google has also confirmed that site speed is an important element to gain ranks. It is a cost effective way to promote a website.


Content management system

Content management systems are more than just marketing tools. A CMS is helpful in creating brand presence, attract customers as well as increase sales. In fact, it also helps digital marketers to create and share content to attract and retain customers. No doubt, the key to success is always having the right CMS to engage your audiences.


  • Choose a CMS that provides CRM solutions.

  • Pick a CMS that is easy to handle and helps to promote a brand.

Mobile responsive design

Mobile is becoming a hot trend across the globe and it doesn’t always require a huge budget. According to a study, people often do not return to a website, if it isn’t mobile friendly. Hence, you should focus on mobile responsive design. They simply convert desktop pages into mobile pages, without changing URL and HTML code.


So, whether you want to improve your visibility or ROI, always take care of these factors.