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Incredible and Unique Blogging Tools

Blogging is an important  method to connect with people and grow your business in a competitive environment. Marketers use powerful blogging tools and techniques to improve their business’s visibility, brand awareness as well as engage customers.

Following are a few powerful blogging tools which can help your cause:


Answer the Public

 This is one of the most amazing search query tools. It is suitable for both bloggers and content marketers because it provides instant results in the form of data and visualisation.


  • Answer the Public provides common Google and Bing autosuggest results.
  • Answer the public is an online keyword suggestion tool.
  • This tool can boost up your writing capacity.


  • Use Answer the Public if you are a local business owner.
  • Use it to create useful and informative content.



BuzzSumo allows you to discover the most shared links and key influencers for any topic on the web. Its interface is easy-to-use and intuitive. One of the biggest advantages of using BuzzSumo is that you can see the most shared content for any domain or competitor.

“You can’t work without BuzzSumo “.


  • Use it to know which content format suits your industry.
  • Use it to compare the content performance of two domains.
  • Use it to search for most shared infographics or videos on the web.
  • You can export data/reports for further analysis.
  • Use it to view the most shared content by an expert author.

Unquestionably, BuzzSumo is the best friend of bloggers.


Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is the most extensive keyword suggestion tool. It gives you what you exactly want, from average monthly searches to level of competition and much more.


  • Use it to search keyword and ad group ideas as well as historical data.
  • Use it to extract blogging ideas by exploring your competitor’s url.
  • Use it to write/analyse more in less time.


Impact Blog Title Generator

 This is a great tool to get ideas and titles. It has an easy-to-use layout.  This tool should be your first choice when it comes to blogging.

“Impact Blog Title Generator can improve your “writing practice” immediately.


  • Use it to get catchy topic headlines, title suggestions and creative content ideas.
  • Use it to become a better writer.
  • You should tweak topic headlines to be more relevant as per your requirements.
  • This tool will widen your horizon and help you to think creatively.

If you are still to use it, use it now.



 Pixabay offers millions of quality images and videos for your blog. You can use its images (download, modify, distribute) according to your requirements.


  • Use its high quality images, vector graphics, illustrations and videos for your blog.
  • Use its image to make your blogs interactive, beautiful and readable.

Use the above mentioned blogging tools because they are unconventional, worth focusing and will improve writing.