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Online Marketing Techniques to Build a Brand

An effective way for online businesses to build their brand is to use relevant online marketing techniques. Of course, it needs an innovative approach and a good understanding of your business, industry, consumers as well as the current online marketing techniques and trends.

Here are a few online marketing techniques:

Responsive and mobile-optimized websites

According to a report, time spent on <strong> mobile devices </strong> has outgrown time spent on desktops by 51% to 42%. Hence, if a mobile user arrives at your site and your website isn’t optimized for mobile, there is every possibility of him leaving the task. That is why, it is important to create a responsive website to improve the overall experience of users.


  • Improves conversion rates.

  • Enhances brand images as well as users’ experience.

  • Flexible, easy-to-manage and cost-effective.

Improve web page speed

According to Google, web page speed is one of its ranking signals, which indicates that optimising your website’s speed will yield incredible benefits.

All you need to do is to measure the page’s speed with the help of Google Analytics, Page Speed, YSlow, WebPagetest or Page Speed Insights and improve its overall speed.


  • Improves a website’s Quality Score.

  • Enhances a site’s brand image.

  • Improves organic ranking.

  • Improves the overall usability of a website.

Use rich snippets

According to Google, rich snippets allow users to engage directly with your content right from Search. It is greatly helpful in enriching SERP, build brand and improves the overall experience of users.


  • Always test and verify your markup using the Structured Data Test Tool.

  • Identify the relevant content properties.

  • Follow the structured data guidelines.

  • Validate your code using the Structured Data Testing Tool.


  • Helps a website to stand out in SERPs.

  • Improves its brand image.

  • Enhances UX as well as improves click-through.

Use intuitive navigation

According to Google, the navigation of a site is crucial in helping visitors to quickly find the content they want. It can also help search engines to understand what content the web master thinks is important.


  • Improves a website’s functionality.

  • Increases user friendliness.

  • Reduces bounce rate.

Bonus tips:

  • Use high quality business profile websites.

  • Use industry specific tags.

  • Understand strengths and weaknesses of your website.

  • Optimise every element of your website.

  • Support your context with graphics/images and videos.

  • Always write and publish informative content.

  • Use simple and effective CTAs.

  • Be congruent and consistent in your online brand building activities.

The above mentioned online marketing techniques will not only improve your site’s visibility, but also brand image.