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Online Reputation Management is the Need of the Hour

Online reputation management is the need of the hour.  Whatever is the size of your business, you need an online reputation management plan. It helps your business to grow seamlessly while competing with top brands.

“When looking for a local business, 97% of people read online reviews”.

Online Reputation Management provides a great range of benefits to businesses:

“According to Pew research, 65% of adults regularly use social media sites”.

ORM  conveys your story

Online reputation management helps businesses to convey their story in a better way. It helps a business to clarify its mission, vision and objectives.

“92% of North American consumers regularly read online reviews to learn about a business”.

 ORM is affordable

 Businesses go for ORM because it is cost-effective as well as an effective means of creating brand value in the market.

It allows managers to review their online status, talks and recalibrate their online marketing strategies.

“Two out of three persons  consider  internet as the most reliable source of information about a person or a business”.

ORM removes negativity

Besides removing negative listings, feedbacks and irrelevant content, ORM helps to build positive backlinks for a website.

It helps a business to optimise its social media profiles and make them even more effective, visible and productive.

Over 80% of reputation damage comes from a mismatch between the buzz and the reality.

ORM promotes positivity

 ORM is all about removing negative listings and bringing positivity  to a business. Hence, remain active on all social media channels to handle queries of customers and improve their online experience.

“65 % of global respondents trust online search engines”.

 ORM provides control over rankings

Negative feedbacks affect rankings as well as traffic. So, remove negative links and replace them with positive links.

Choose the best local and business listing websites and powerful platforms to build profiles.

“People want results, not  mere promises”.

Quick tips:

  • Always publish information on legal/trusted/high authority websites.
  • Try to build trust.
  • Maintain a playful attitude.
  • Use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Choose your social network wisely.
  • Regularly monitor hashtags about your company.
  • Respond pro-actively and politely.
  • Create and share high-quality, fact-driven content.
  • Foster personal connections.
  • Focus on email marketing.
  • Prepare a solid SEO strategy.
  • Resolve issues patiently.
  • Fulfil your promises.
  • Rely on blogging and discussion forums.
  • Set up a Google alert.
  • Use Yelp, Angie’s List and other powerful review sites.
  • Share things that are of professional interest.
  • Post relevant industry news.
  • Try to remove misleading information about your company.
  • Check website’s traffic, rankings and subscriptions regularly.
  • Never post a lot of family photos to social media (don’t over-share).

“Addressing the real cause of negative comments is more beneficial for your long-term online reputation”.

So, take control of your online reputation and address negative content. In fact, you should always focus on building your company’s positive reputation to reap tangible benefits.