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Technical SEO for Mobile Websites

Mobile websites are one of the best ways to market a business in a cost effective manner. However, you need technical SEO if you want to improve the overall usability and functionality of a website.

Things to consider:

  • Create a mobile website that can present key information quickly and precisely.

  • The text should be easy to read.

  • Should have a clear navigation.

Here are a <strong> few technical SEO techniques </strong> to embrace:

Responsive web design

It is no secret that a responsive web design uses CSS media queries. It is an approach that suggests that website design and development should respond to the user’s behaviour as well as environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. (source – Smashingmagazine)

Benefits of using a responsive web design:

  • Single URL is better for users and makes it easier to read/share content.

  • Google crawlers need to crawl once, which makes indexing easier.

  • Redirects are not required.

  • Improves business visibility.

  • Lowers maintenance cost.

  • Improves site’s loading speed.

Accelerated Mobile Pages

According to, the AMP Project is an open-source initiative to make the web better for all. The project enables the creation of websites and ads that are consistently fast, beautiful and high-performing across devices and distribution platforms.

Benefits of using Accelerated Mobile Pages:

  • Higher website performance and better customer engagement.

  • Flexible and result oriented.

  • Improves search engine rankings.

  • Ideal for extensive websites.

Simple templates

It’s essential to know that when it comes to the design of your website; you should not take chances. So, choose simple and minimalist templates. Additional elements such as plugins, widgets and tracking codes may hamper the overall speed of your website. Hence, choose them wisely.


  • Avoid using oversized images.

  • Use Gzip compression.

  • Use only necessary elements.

Structured data markup

Structured data markup is no longer an optional method. It informs Google to interpret a web page. In fact, it improves the scope and reach of mobile websites.


  • Increases your business’s online reach.

  • Helps Google to understand the content on your website.

Internal linking

Internal links are helpful in improving the visibility of your site’s content. In addition, it also helps users to explore other related topic resources on your site.

Benefits of using internal linking:

  • Improves the usability of a website.

  • Improves navigation.

The Bottom Line

So, use the above mentioned SEO techniques to improve your mobile site’s performance.