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Why does Organic Traffic Drop?

SEO industry is dynamic because its parameters are ever changing. Marketers often fail to understand the exact reason behind the drop of traffic.

Here are a few reasons why a website loses its traffic:

Change of address

Most websites lose their traffic, because online marketers fail to notify the change of address (URL) to Google. It gradually minimizes the traffic as well as rank. Hence, it is important to use the “change of address” tool (Google Search Console).


  • Use “change of address” tool whenever you are moving your site to a new domain/subdomain.
  • Complete migration first.
  • Add as well as verify your new website with Search Console.
  • Submit a request.

Irrelevant content

Marketers often use extensive content on their website to attract users. However, Google only shows relevant content in its SERP.


Wrong use of parameters in robots.txt file

It is always good to use robots.txt; however, sometimes marketers commit minor mistakes, which degrade the overall performance of a website.


  • Do not block CSS or image files.
  • Carefully use Wildcards, because wrong usage may suddenly drop the traffic.

Wrong use of 301 redirects

301 redirects are the best forms of redirection and should be used when a domain or URL is permanently moved to a new location. It has been observed that people use 302 redirection instead of 301 and suffer loses.


  • Implement 301 redirection properly.
  • Understand the difference between 301 and 302 redirection.

Spamy Backlinks

Marketers often join the furious race of attaining the maximum number of backlinks without knowing their credibility and authenticity. As a result, search engines degrade those websites that have gained spamy links to improve rankings.


  • Never buy links.
  • Perform link audit at regular intervals and disavow bad links.
  • Keep an eye on fake traffic.


Some marketers choose cheap hosting. As a result, websites load slowly and lose traffic. Hence, choose a hosting server that can speed up the performance of a website.


  • Choose high-speed servers.
  • Always measure the speed and performance of your website.
  • Use high quality website speed performance tools.

Broken links and pages

Websites often lose prominence as well as traffic because they have a lot of broken links and dead pages.


  • Access to <strong>Search Console </strong>to find and eliminate broken links and dead pages.
  • Keep an eye on analytics to measure and compare your traffic.

So, focus on these vital elements and enjoy traffic.